近年來中國積極展開全球資源戰的部署,為了蘇丹石油、緬甸銅等礦產,中國不顧人權抨擊,主動提供武器讓兩國對付人民。而澳洲豐富的天然資源更是中國所鎖定的焦點,兩國曾在二○○七年簽署四百五十億澳幣(約台幣一兆一千七百億台幣)的天然氣合約,而近年來中國也不斷透過「國營企業」積極入股包含全球最大的BHP Billiton和 Rio Tinto(力拓)在內的礦業公司。
‘China has also repeatedly vetoed humanitarian aid at the Security Council based on the same old claim.’
Founded in 1976, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) led an armed insurgency to create a Tamil state independent from the rest of Sri Lanka and its Sinhalese majority. Apart from having an army, a navy and an air force, the LTTE also had an autonomous government and territory. Although it was declared a terrorist organization by 32 countries, and late leader Velupillai Prabhakaran was seen as a dictator, quite a few Western countries sympathized with the Tamils.
When the Sri Lankan government planned to launch the final strike against the group early this month, some Western countries called for mediation. But saying the strike was a matter of Sri Lanka’s internal affairs, government troops defeated the group and, on May 16, killed Prabhakaran.
塔米爾之虎(Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam)從一九七六年成立後,開始以武力爭取塔米爾族從多數錫蘭人統治的斯里蘭卡獨立。塔米爾之虎除了擁有陸海空軍外,也有自己的自治政府與領地。塔米爾之虎雖然被不少國家認定為恐怖組織,而且領袖Velupillai Prabhakaran也被認為是獨裁者,仍有不少西方國家同情塔米爾。五月上旬,政府軍計畫進行最後殲滅塔米爾之虎時,不少西方國家呼籲調停。然而,在「不干預內政」的原則下;五月十六日,政府軍擊潰了塔米爾之虎並格斃了領袖。
十九世紀歷史主義所闡述的「大敘述」宣稱,進化論、功利主義和新教主義等理論是放諸四海而皆準的,這一認識也表現在殖民主義和帝國主義的實踐中,儘管其文字表達形式和時空概念有所不同。但是,一旦人們認識到這一信念必須受到文化差異的限制,其進步的「理性主義」理論色彩就不再那麼鮮亮了。(Homi K. Bhabha)