2009年5月8日,墨爾本的Herald Sun報導一隻在Port Philp Bay獲救的企鵝。牠被發現時,右腳被釣魚線嚴重勒傷,但及時獲救,不然將失去一隻腳甚至死亡。
墨爾本動物園獸醫HELEN MCCRACKEN說,企鵝被發現在墨她說,事實上,如果不及時被發現,牠可能活不了多長時間,因為企鵝靠兩隻腳來行動和覓食。社區環保組織Earth Care的志工在一群至少八百隻的企鵝群中發現這隻受傷的企鵝。在解開釣魚線後,志工發現腿已紅腫且被線割破肉,可見到骨頭,後來至工把牠帶到墨爾本動物園,交給獸醫小組治療。
醫生說,儘管骨頭有一些壞死,但向腳供應的血液沒有完全切斷,她認為這隻企鵝將能康復,不必截掉一條腿。她也說,海岸的大量垃圾和污染物對海洋生物和生態系統構成嚴重威脅,並呼籲垂釣者釣魚結束後,把所有垃圾帶走。受傷的企鵝將在治療住一、兩周後,將牠放回St Kilda的棲息地。
Torture for tiny penguin caught up in fishing line
May 08, 2009 12:00am
ANIMAL experts have warned fishing enthusiasts against littering the bay after a little penguin almost lost a foot when it was caught up in old fishing wire.
The tiny penguin, part of the St Kilda colony, was found in pain when environmental agency Earth Care did a routine check on the 800-strong flock.
Rescuers were about to tag it with a microchip when they saw its swollen foot.
The foot had been cut to the bone, so the team took the bird to Melbourne Zoo for emergency treatment.
Melbourne Zoo senior vet Dr Helen McCracken said the wire had been in place for about two weeks and if the penguin hadn't been found in the next fortnight it would probably have died.
"If he hadn't have been found eventually I'm sure he would have lost his foot, and he would have died without one foot," she said.
"Those feet are like little paddles and they really rely on them as well for getting around effectively. So to hunt effectively, they really need their two feet."
Dr McCracken said the centre received about 20 animals injured by fishing lines or hooks in Port Phillip Bay each year, but warned there might be many other animals that weren't saved.
"If this is the tip of the iceberg, then maybe there are others out there who have suffered this sort of injury from this sort of rubbish," Dr McCracken said.
She hoped to release the bird into the bay in a week.