(ON the inside ... an austere cell, which includes a TV set and security monitor, in Wacol high-security men's prison.)
Courier Mail
Perks for inmates anger prison guards
Robyn Ironside
March 28, 2008 11:00pm
QUEENSLAND'S worst criminals spend their days watching latest-release DVDs, playing PlayStation games, listening to CDs and eating chocolate and chips.
The perks enjoyed by inmates, who include murderers, rapists and pedophiles, have angered prison guards.
Prisoners get up to seven new DVDs a week streamed free of charge over an internal channel on TVs in their cells.
Woman takes her beloved ducks on holiday to cheer them up
From Mirrow.com.uk
A female Doctor Dolittle loves her pet ducks so much she took them on holiday.
Donella Fernyhough, known as Donella Dolittle to pals, wanted to cheer the pair up after another died.
So she and husband Bernard whisked them off to Scotland from their Leeds home - taking the birds' portable house, bath and mounds of hay to play in.