2008年6月4日,Kevin Rudd的雪梨對Asian Society這組織的一場演講時,宣布要在2020年之前成立Asia-Pacific Union,在APEC所屬的21個會員中再加上印度。Kevin Rudd在宣布此項計畫時,也找來了當時主導APEC的領魂人物Richard Woolcott 擔任特使處理此事。1989年Richard Woolcott 擔任Hawke政府的特使奔走APEC,現在事隔將近20年後再度出馬。
THE Government's mission is to build a strong and fair Australia capable of meeting the new challenges of the 21st century.
That means planning for our long-term future.
Planning to meet our long-term domestic challenges.
It also means planning to meet our long-term international challenges.
Australia must above all enhance our regional and global economic competitiveness if we are to secure our future.
Domestically we need to lift our productivity growth.
We need to have the best-trained, best-skilled work force in the world.
We will need world-class infrastructure, including high-speed broadband.
We are committed to policies that will lift work force participation rates – a critical need with an ageing population.
And we are committed to continuing population growth, underpinned by a continuing migration program.
We are committed to taxation reform and business deregulation.