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本土劇百大不可思議完全版,集結各位熱心板友的智慧,終於湊超過100條了!個人特別將之分為十大類,提供給大家看連續劇對照用。感恩 魯力!

本土劇百大不可思議之001  人人都是總經理
本土劇百大不可思議之002  CEO都是吃檳榔講台語
本土劇百大不可思議之003  財產動不動就上百億
本土劇百大不可思議之004  警察會變成台灣最有錢的CEO
本土劇百大不可思議之005  別人的公司可以隨便烙人進去
本土劇百大不可思議之006  公司再大職員還是一樣少
本土劇百大不可思議之007  BOT案永遠只有結怨的兩家可以承包
本土劇百大不可思議之008  成立公司的目的就只有一個 就是把對方幹了
本土劇百大不可思議之009  戲中一定會出現富可敵國可與微軟相比的跨國大企業
本土劇百大不可思議之010  通常總經理都不用做事!
本土劇百大不可思議之011  公司永遠只有5個人 雖然資產上百億
本土劇百大不可思議之012  簽合約都不看內容  而且不蓋章

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Beijing Olympics

Limbering up for the games
Jun 19th 2008 | BEIJING
From The Economist print edition

The security forces rehearse their exercise routine

PETS, prostitutes and prospective political protesters should consider themselves forewarned. The Chinese authorities, doggedly determined to ensure a safe environment for the Beijing Olympics in August, and to avoid surprises or embarrassments, have them in their sights. 

No one dismisses the security concerns. With the ever-present threat of terrorism and a number of foreign leaders, among them George Bush, expected to attend the games' opening ceremony, China has no choice but to take security seriously. But the clampdown now under way suggests the government is just as concerned about preventing anything—from political demonstrations to unsightly beggars—that reflects poorly on it, however slightly. The risk is that heavy-handed precautions will take the fun out of what is supposed, after all, to be a sporting event.

Some new restrictions seem reasonable. For three months, for example, fireworks will be banned. Lorries entering Beijing have been coming under closer inspection. So has the mail. Police raids have been stepped up at night-spots, beauty salons and karaoke parlours, which often serve as fronts for prostitution. The press has reported that officials are especially worried about an influx of foreign prostitutes hoping to cash in on the Olympic boom, and that they have launched a campaign to prevent it. 

But other measures smack of overkill. Beggars and disabled people have been ordered, and in some cases forced, off the streets. Those from outside Beijing have been threatened with detention unless they go home until the games are over. In your correspondent's own neighbourhood, residents have been told they may walk their dogs only at certain, strictly limited, times of day—and the dogs must carry their papers at all times.

Documents are posing problems for people, too. In one especially damaging consequence of the crackdown, China has tightened visa procedures for foreign visitors of all sorts. Businessmen used to speedy visas are now suffering delays and refusals. Chambers of commerce from Europe, North America, Australia and India are complaining bitterly about trips aborted and business lost.

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May 2008的National Geographic,專題報導中國,內容正面負面皆有。其中也介紹了很多不同於漢族的其他民族文化,詳細描繪各族的分佈區域與比例。

China's expectation are rising, with no end in sight. What's next?

Fragile nature meets technological ambition
in the labor-roughened hands of a track worker. Li Yingde captured this snow finch while working on a new high-altitude section of China's 2,525-miles Beijing-to-Lhasa railway.



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在足球場上,防守球員面對自由球時,防守人牆都會出現這樣的反射動作。只是這張圖被放了女性用的包包,突然就覺得很冏,尤其裡面還有我喜愛的球員Gabriel Omar Batistuta

Origin: www.funny.com.uk

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2008年6月4日,Kevin Rudd的雪梨對Asian Society這組織的一場演講時,宣布要在2020年之前成立Asia-Pacific Union,在APEC所屬的21個會員中再加上印度。Kevin Rudd在宣布此項計畫時,也找來了當時主導APEC的領魂人物Richard Woolcott 擔任特使處理此事。1989年Richard Woolcott 擔任Hawke政府的特使奔走APEC,現在事隔將近20年後再度出馬。


圖說:APEC的推手Richard Woolcott於1967年與蔣介石總統會面。在Richard Woolcott的自傳裡,這張照片的說明是:「Meeting Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, April 1967. The Holt Government recognised Taiwan as the Government of China.

The Australian的特刊封面。

The Australian特刊的內頁。

Kevin Rudd演講全文

Full text of Kevin Rudd's speech to the Asia Society Australasia

June 05, 2008 (The Australian)

THE Government's mission is to build a strong and fair Australia capable of meeting the new challenges of the 21st century.

That means planning for our long-term future.

Planning to meet our long-term domestic challenges.

It also means planning to meet our long-term international challenges.

Australia must above all enhance our regional and global economic competitiveness if we are to secure our future.

Domestically we need to lift our productivity growth.

We need to have the best-trained, best-skilled work force in the world.

We will need world-class infrastructure, including high-speed broadband.

We are committed to policies that will lift work force participation rates – a critical need with an ageing population.

And we are committed to continuing population growth, underpinned by a continuing migration program.

We are committed to taxation reform and business deregulation. 


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  • May 23 Fri 2008 19:06
  • Obama

澳洲人也是很喜歡談Obama,幾年前相信很多人都認為民主黨總統參選人非Hillary Clinton莫屬,只是沒想到Obama一夕間人氣暴漲。

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插圖內文寫著:There must have been an earthquake at the Ministry for Media.

scanned from The Australian 2008-05-22

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As Tibetan protesters take to the streets in the biggest and most bloody challenge to Chinese rule in nearly 20 years, Dispatches reports on the hidden reality of life under Chinese occupation after spending three months undercover, deep inside the region. Dozens are feared dead after the recent clashes and crackdown by Chinese troops, but with reporting so rigidly controlled from the region little is known of living conditions inside Tibet. To make this film, Tibetan exile Tash Despa returns to the homeland he risked his life to escape 11 years ago, to carry out secret filming with award-winning, Bafta-nominated director Jezza Neumann (Dispatches Special: China's Stolen Children). Risking imprisonment and deportation, he uncovers evidence of the "cultural genocide" described by the Dalai Lama. He finds the nomadic way of life being forcefully wiped out as native Tibetans are stripped of their land and livestock and are being resettled in concrete camps. Tibet reveals the regime of terror which dominates daily life and makes freedom of expression impossible. Tash meets victims of arbitrary arrests, detention, torture and "disappearances" and uncovers evidence of enforced sterilisations on ethnic Tibetan women. He sees for himself the impact of the enormous military and police presence in the region, and the hunger and hardship being endured by many Tibetans, and hears warnings of the uprising taking place across the provinces now.

Quoted from http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7982410976871193492&hl=en

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《西藏青年》  盤古樂團(2008)
Released 2008-05-12

你的故鄉 你的信仰
你的祖國 你的同胞
為你的祖先 為你的尊嚴
為你的民族 為你的同胞

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圖一:仿Game Boy的 Good Boy

圖二:仿Mini PS2的PolyStation2


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(ON the inside ... an austere cell, which includes a TV set and security monitor, in Wacol high-security men's prison.)

Courier Mail
Perks for inmates anger prison guards
Robyn Ironside
March 28, 2008 11:00pm

QUEENSLAND'S worst criminals spend their days watching latest-release DVDs, playing PlayStation games, listening to CDs and eating chocolate and chips.

The perks enjoyed by inmates, who include murderers, rapists and pedophiles, have angered prison guards.

Prisoners get up to seven new DVDs a week streamed free of charge over an internal channel on TVs in their cells.

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本圖文內容引自星島環球網 www.singtaonet.com





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