今年的墨爾本國際影展(Melbourne International Films Festival 2009)播放紀錄片The Conditions of Love(愛的十種條件),該部影片由澳洲導演Jeff Daniels執導,影片描述東土耳其斯坦(新疆)精神領袖熱比啞(Rebiya Kadeer)領導維吾爾人更多自治權的歷程。
被中國抗議的紀錄片 Ten Conditions of Love
Melbourne International Film Festival website hacked
July 25, 2009
The Melbourne International Film Festival has been hacked by a pro-china protestor.
The festival has been attracting criticism from China over the inclusion of the film Ten Conditions of Love, a documentary about Uyghur leader Rebiya Kadeer.
Kadeer lives in Washingtn in exile from China. China blames Kadeer for the recent riots in the Xinjiang province.
Two Chinese films have been pulled from the festival in protest over the inclusion of the documentary in the program.
The MIFF website was hacked sometime after 2pm on the first full day of the festival.
Instead of the usual website, visitors were greeted by a white page with an animated waving chinese flag and multi-coloured text:
We like peace,and we hate East Turkistan terrorist!
Please apologize to all the Chinese people!
Hacked by oldjun!
The usual website was restored at around 3pm.